
Gnus, reporting spam #emacs #gnus

🕦︎ - 2015-07-22

I have been reporting spam on Gmane by going to the web-interface for years. For years, I tell you, like a savage.

Finally I got my act together and configured Gnus, so I can report spam directly from there.

On my [Gmane] topic, I added these topic parameters:

      ((spam spam-use-gmane)))
     (spam-summary-exit-behavior 'move-none)
     (spam-use-hashcash nil)
     (spam-use-crm114 nil))

I am not sure that the last three are needed, but... better safe than sorry.

The documentation had me stumped for a while, because it only says "use (spam spam-use-gmane)", and doesn't mention spam-process - but now it works (confirmed with ngrep).

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How to in excruciating detail…

To avoid spam many websites make you fill out a CAPTCHA, or log in via an account at a corporation such as Twitter, Facebook, Google or even Microsoft GitHub.

I have chosen to use a more old school method of spam prevention.

To post a comment here, you need to:

  • Configure a newsreader¹ to connect to the server koldfront.dk on port 1119 using nntps (nntp over TLS).
  • Open the newsgroup called lantern.koldfront and post a follow up to the article.
¹ Such as Thunderbird, Pan, slrn, tin or Gnus (part of Emacs).

Or, you can fill in this form:
