
Gnus email basic usage

Ok, so you've got Gnus setup to read email. But how do you actually use Gnus then?

Table of contents

Get email

As already mentioned, you ask Gnus to get new email by pressing g. You can configure a demon to do that regularly, if you'd like.

Reading email

When you see a group you would like to read, you move the cursor to the group and press SPC. This will take you from the *Group* buffer, with the list of groups, to a *Summary* buffer for the particular group in question.:

Gnus in a group

To exit a *Summary* buffer, use q.

When you read an email, it is marked "read", and it won't show up in the *Summary* buffer the next time you enter the group. This is how newsgroups usually work, and it helps you keep up with email¹: either you do something about it right away or you tick it for later handling. If you tick an email, using !, the email will be shown in the *Summary* the next time you enter the group, even though you already read it. If you want to mark a read email as unread, the command is M-u.

Moving emails is done manually with B m (or you can set up splitting and respool according to your rules using B r), and you can delete an email (entirely) by using B DEL in the *Summary* buffer.

Writing email

In the summary buffer, you can reply to the author of an email with r (no quoting of the email) and R (email is quoted), and you can reply to all by using f or F respectively:

Replying in Gnus

Be sure to remember to trim unnecessary parts of the quoted text, and to interleave your answers so they come after the questions.

To write an entirely new email you type m either in the *Group* or a *Summary* buffer. To forward an email you have received, use C-c C-f.

To send the email, you use C-c C-c. If you want to keep the email as a draft and don't want to send it right away, save it using C-x C-s. If you want to abandon the email you were writing all together, simply kill the buffer C-x k.

Outgoing emails are automatically archived in a local nnfolder-group per month - you can see this when you start an email by looking at the Gcc: header.

If you want a signature, simply create a file called ~/.signature and Gnus will automatically include it in the email when you start writing one:

New email in Gnus

To attach files you go C-c C-m f and then follow the prompts:

Attach file in Gnus


When you are done reading email, remember to quit Gnus by pressing q in the *Group* buffer. Gnus will then save its files, making it safe to close Emacs afterwards.

There is much more to the interface of Gnus, but this hopefully gets you started. Do consult the menus and the manual for more.

Further reading...

Beginning of the Gnus email tutorial.

Topics to cover as time permits:


If you have any comments, ideas or corrections, don't hesitate to email me.

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